Still translating.
Link:[链接登录后可见](only support sign in with Nodeloc BBS account)
Nodeloc BBS offers a free VPS and hosting service, maintained by Nodeloc administrators during their free time. To obtain a stable host, you must be active in the forum to accumulate enough energy points (Nodeloc currency) to subscribe to the free service. How to get energy points? Check it out here! [链接登录后可见]
You can switch your language with the help of the thing beside the search bar.
Here’s the information about requirements, limitaions and configuration.
After obtaining enough amount of energy points, you can exchange energy points for credits which are used in Free Nodeloc system(1 credits=10 energy points). To do this click the avatar in the top right corner and tap ‘Profile’ . Find ‘Exchange’, click it and then tap the green button. Then you can enter the credits you would like to have.
Before the next step, I will put the information of the hosts and VPSs below so it will be more intuitive.
Provider(Region) | NiiHost(HK) | ZLIDC(KR) | XiaojiHost(HK) |
Bandwidth(GB per Month) | 1000 | 100 | 100 |
Database Storage(MB) | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Website Storage(GB) | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Price(Credits per Month) | 10 | 10 | 10 |
VPS Type | HZ Finland Mini | HZ Finland Medium | HZ Finland Large |
CPU Cores & Memory Size | 1C1G | 2C2G | 4C4G |
Hard Disk Storage & Type | 20G NVME SSD | 50G NVME SSD | 100G NVME SSD |
Price(Credits per Month) | 100 | 200 | 500 |
The next step will use the link at the beginning.
There’s a login button in the top right corner will direct you to the login page([链接登录后可见]).
Click ‘Sign in with Nodeloc’ and then you will enter the authorization page.
Click 授权(authorize in Chinese), afterward you can log into your account.
Pick the One You Like
Those outlined in red are in stock.
Free Host Subscription & Usage
Pick the one you like and add it to cart.
Before it is actually added, you have to input a exist formatted domain name. As shown in the picture. Next you can continue to checkout.
[链接登录后可见] This picture is for explanation only, because I already add a Xiaoji Host.
域名正常访问需要添加cname/alias记录。可以在该页面顶栏中点击Sites,方可看到需要别名到的主机名,比如小鸡的主机是 。
IPV6 VPS订阅及使用
和订阅Free Host差不多,不用填写域名。订购这一步跳过。
订阅后,到”客户区域“找到自己的IPV6 VPS,进入查看详细信息。可以看到,现在还是没有分配的状态,需要先点击”Login to control panel“,登录控制面板。
Timezone就选东八区(UTC +08:00)
操作系统自己看需求,我选了Debian 12。
Advance Options中有,开启VNC网络。建议开启,要是小机失联了,可以尝试使用VNC网络控制机器。
点击”Install with xxxxx“,再确认一下就行了。稍等片刻,便可完成安装。
最后的最后,你就可以看到ip地址了。使用ssh指令进行连接时,记得带上密钥在本地的地址,ipv6外面记得加上方括号!格式如此:ssh -i 私钥路径 登录用户@[你的ipv6地址]
本站站长 [链接登录后可见] 曾说,之后他会为老用户提供免费的(需要能量)独立服务器。建议大家多发一些精华主题,这样就能获得永久免费的主机了。