Welcome to the NodeLoc Forum! In order for you to better communicate in the forum, please read the following carefully:
Discussable content
你可以探讨网络上的一切,但请注意 ⚠️
You can explore everything on the web, but be warned ⚠️
1、 Any content that violates the laws of the People’s Republic of China, involves attacks on other people, malicious water posts, meaninglessness, distortion of facts, political implications and other related content (hereinafter referred to as “offending content”) may be deleted or given a warning.
2、 注意言辞,避免引起不必要的矛盾。
2、 Be careful with your words to avoid unnecessary conflicts.
3、 避免透露隐私信息、ip、服务器日志等敏感信息
3、 Avoid disclosure of private information, ip, server logs, and other sensitive information
4、 代理或机场相关内容请发布于【内版】,若未按要求发布,将扣除一定能量
4、 Agent or airport related content should be posted in [internal]Failure to post as required will result in deduction of a certain amount of NL
5、 讨论刮刮乐、无意义帖、判定为机器人发帖的讨论将会被移入【黑洞】
5、 Discussions of scratch-offs, meaningless posts, and discussions judged to be bots will be moved to the [black hole].
6、 为了保障广大作者的权利,请你搬运他人部分的文章时,为帖子添加搬运标签并附上原文链接与作者
6、 In order to protect the rights of the authors, please add a removal tag to the postwhen removing some of the articles of others** and include a link to the original article and the author.
7、 为了避免恶性事件与不必要争吵的发生,在发布吐槽或曝光帖前,请与被吐槽或曝光对象协商,若协商失败再发帖吐槽曝光,且吐槽或曝光时请附上充足的图片视频证据,仅凭文字叙述可能会被在标题中加入“【存疑】”字样
7、 In order to avoid the occurrence of vicious incidents and unnecessary quarrels, before posting a troll or exposure post, please consult with the object of the troll or exposure, if the consultation fails to post a troll exposure, and troll or exposure, please attach sufficient photographic and video evidence, only textual narrative may be added to the title of the “[doubtful] ”
8、 注意请勿无意义的进行挖坟,否则会扣除能量或面临封禁
8、 Be careful not to dig graves in a meaningless manner, or you will be discounted or faced with a ban.
9、 论坛严禁机器人加入讨论,一经发现立即封号处理
9、 Bots are strictly prohibited from joining the discussion in the Forum and will be blocked immediately upon discovery.
10、 站长与版主有权修改或删除你讨论的内容
10、 The webmaster and moderators have the right to modify or delete the content of your discussion.
11、guide users to your own websites to buy goods belong to [promotion]. If you leave your contact information directly or contact in the forum, you can buy directly through such means, belongs to the [transaction].
NL use
NL is the universal unit of points used in this forum, and the number of NL is very important to the user! This is because the user’s level, posting and viewing privileges, inviting friends, likes and objections are all related to NL.
NL gain
1、发布高质量帖奖励 30-50 能量。评论被选为最佳回复奖励5能量(奖励由站长或版主发放,发放以讨论实际内容为准)
1、 Publishing the high-quality post reward 30-50 NL. Comments are selected as Best Reply reward 5 NL (rewards issued by the webmaster or moderator, issued to the actual content of the discussion shall prevail)
2、 每天签到可以获得随机数值的能量,平均数值为15能量/天
2、 Daily check-ins will earn randomized values of NL, with an average value of 15 NL/day
3、 每次发表帖子获得2能量
3、 2 NL per post,
4、 每次发表评论获得1能量(回帖字数最少20字,否则不奖励能量)
4、 1 NL per comment,(minimum 20 words in reply, otherwise no NL will be awarded)
5、 讨论内容被别人加能量后,会增加相应数量的能量
5、 Discussions will be increased by a corresponding number of NLs when they are added to the NL by others
6、 反馈论坛bug,核实后赠送能量5-20个(第一位发帖反馈并准确说明BUG)
6、 Feedback on forum bugs, verified NL 5-20 awarded (first to post feedback and accurate description of the bug)
7、 对论坛建设或规定提出有效意见,采纳后奖励5-20能量
7、 Provide effective opinions on the construction or regulation of the forum, adopted rewarded 5-20NL
8、 在刮刮乐中刮出能量
8、 NL in Scratch and Win
9、 邀请他人注册,可获得50能量
9、 Invite others to Register and receive 50NL
NL consumption
1、 给喜欢的帖子点赞后,会消耗掉自身能量,同时增加被加赞用户1个能量
1、Liking a favorite post will consume your own NL and increase the liked user’s NL by 1、
2、 反对你不支持的帖子或者评论,会消耗掉自身能量,同时扣除被反对者1个能量,多次点踩需要的能量就越多哦~
2、 Oppose you do not support the post or comment, will consume their own NL, at the same time deducted by the opposing party 1 NL, many times to click on the pedal need NL the more ~ ~
3、 打赏可以将你的能量给被打赏用户
3、 reward can give your NL to the rewarded user.
4、 违反论坛规定,将扣除一定的能量
4、 Violation of forum rules, will deduct a certain amount of NL
5、 购买社区装饰店的商品
5、 Purchase items from the Community Decorator.
6、 购买刮刮乐
6、 Purchase of scratchers.
7、 购买邀请码
7、 Purchase of Invitation Code
8、 如果被管理警告也会扣除积分或能量
8、 Points or NL will also be deducted if you are warned by the admin.
Note ⚠️: NL to -10** or be marked three points will be banned for three days **! If you are debited with 10 points or do something that seriously affects the forums you may be permanently banned! Please be reasonable in your consumption of NL!
Invite others to the forum
forum registration invitation system, you can use the invitation code to register the forum, such as you want to invite more people to the forum can be
1、 打开https://www.nodeloc.com/store
1、 open https://www.nodeloc.com/store
2、 购买邀请码
2、 Purchase an invitation code
1、 每个邀请人数需花费1个能量
1、 1 NL for each number of people invited.
2、 一个邀请码可邀请多人
2、 You can invite more than one person with one code.
3、 邀请码在生效后30天后过期
3、 Invitation code expires 30 days after it is validated.
4、 成功邀请一个人在本论坛注册,你将会获得50个能量
4、 If you successfully invite one person to register on this forum, you will receive 50 NL.
Forum broker
The role of the forum intermediary is to guarantee the security of the transaction, the intermediary transaction process is as follows:
1、 交易开始
1、 The transaction is initiated.
2、 交易申请方私信中介,由中介联系商品方
2、 the transaction applicant private message intermediary, the intermediary to contact the commodity party.
3、 支付方将交易资金打入中介方账户
3、 The payer credits the transaction** funds to the intermediary’s account** .
4、 提供商品方和中介方确认资金到达情况
4、 The party providing the goods and the intermediary confirm the arrival of the funds.
5、 资金到中介方后,提供商品方将商品发送给支付方
5、 Once the funds have reached the Intermediary, the party providing the goods sends the goods to the Payer.
6、 支付方和中介方确认商品情况
6、 The payer and the intermediary confirm the status of the merchandise .
7、 商品确认无虞后,中介方放款给提供商品方
7、 After confirming that the goods are in good condition, the intermediary will release the funds to the party providing the goods.
8、 交易结束
8、 End of transaction
The intermediary can apply with the webmaster, the webmaster can act as an intermediary when he is free, or other certified intermediaries in the forum.
About Management
为了保障论坛正常运行,论坛设有版主(超级版主 @金子会发光 @Jensfrank @丰仔 @loll )协助站长 @James 一起管理论坛。管理们主要负责:
In order to protect the normal operation of the forum, there are moderators (super moderator @金子会发光 @Jensfrank @丰仔 @loll) to assist the webmaster @James to manage the forum together. The admins are mainly responsible for:
1、 发放奖励能量
1、 distributing Rewards NL
2、 接收并处理用户举报
2、 Receiving and processing User Reports.
3、 更改帖子中选择错误的标签
3、 changing tags in threads with wrong selection.
4、 发放徽章
4、 issuing Badges
5、 合理处理带有违规内容的讨论内容
5、 Reasonably handle discussions with offending content
6、 对违规用户进行封号
6、 Banning of offending users
If you have any objections to the results of the management, you can send a private message to the management for negotiation.
About Badges
论坛为各行各业的优秀坛友提供徽章,可去 https://www.nodeloc.com/d/374 提供一些证明并申请徽章
The forum provides badges for outstanding users from all walks of life. You can go to https://www.nodeloc.com/d/374 to provide some proof and apply for a badge.
Forum Level User Groups
@青铜会员 | @白银会员 | @黄金会员 | @钻石会员 | @王者会员 | @宗师会员 |
主题 > 5 | 主题 > 10 | 主题 > 50 | 主题 > 100 | 主题 > 200 | 主题 > 500 |
Threads > 5 | Threads > 10 | Threads > 50 | Threads > 100 | Threads > 200 | Threads > 500 |
回复 > 10 | 回复 > 50 | 回复 > 100 | 回复 > 200 | 回复 > 500 | 回复 > 1000 |
Replies > 10 | Replies > 50 | Replies > 100 | Replies > 200 | Replies > 500 | Replies > 1000 |
权限 = 10 | 权限 = 20 | 权限 = 50 | 权限 = 100 | 权限 = 150 | 权限 = 200 |
Permissions = 10 | Permissions = 20 | Permissions = 50 | Permissions = 100 | Permissions = 150 | Permissions = 200 |
还有隐藏身份 @神仙会员 权限高达 666
There is also a hidden identity @神仙会员 with 666 permissions
@认证商家 | @认证中介 | @荣誉用户 | @荣誉版主 | @大好人 | @大善人 |
为论坛提供免费主机或VPS供用户使用,或赞助论坛 | 由管理团队决定 | 经管理团队商定对论坛有一定贡献的用户 | 曾经的版主 | 在求助帖中的回复被帖主评为“最佳回复”20次 | 发布20次抽奖帖 |
Provide free hosting or VPS for users to use, or sponsor the forum | Decided by the admin team | Users who have contributed to the forum as agreed by the admin team | Former moderators | Replies to help threads rated as “best reply” by posters 20 times | Post 20 raffle prizes |
权限 = 20 权限 | 权限 = 20 | 权限 = 188 | 权限 = 188 | 权限 = 255 | 权限 = 255 |
Privileges = 20 Privileges | Privileges = 20 | Privileges = 188 | Privileges = 188 | Privileges = 255 | Privileges = 255 | Privileges = 188 |
论坛不同用户组对应不同阅读权限(如果主题有设置阅读权限),只有用户的最高用户组拥有 >= 帖子的阅读权限时用户才可以看到帖子内容。
Different usergroups in the forum have different reading privileges (if the topic has reading privileges set), and only when the user’s highest usergroup has >= reading privileges for the post can the user see the content of the post.
Merchant Authentication
希望更多商家入驻本论坛,具体认证规则请参考 https://www.nodeloc.com/d/5315
We hope that more merchants will join this forum, please refer to https://www.nodeloc.com/d/5315 for more details.
About the editor
In order for you to have a better discussion, the forum supports Markdown and BBcode editors, so you can use the editor syntax in your discussion to realize wonderful effects.
此为简短版版规,详细规则请查阅 https://www.nodeloc.com/d/5328
This is a short version of the rules, please refer to https://www.nodeloc.com/d/5328 for detailed rules.
All interpretations are the property of the NodeLoc admin team.
NodeLoc Management Team
旧版规同时起效 https://www.nodeloc.com/d/977
(Some content will be improved later)
The old moderation rules are in effect at the same time https://www.nodeloc.com/d/977