Welcome to The NodeLoc Forum! Nodeloc Forum is a forum about hosting, but you can also discuss anything about the network here~ NodeLoc Forum is named by the Node (node) and Loc (abbreviation for Location) in combination, there is no other derivation of the meaning. You are welcome to sign up for the forum to share and discuss with us!
该帖的中文版可以在 https://www.nodeloc.com/d/12012 查看
Forum Rules
By registering you agree to all of the following
Not allowed
The following content is not permitted to be posted in the NodeLoc forums.
- Personal attacks: uncivilized words, or doxing/threatening of boxing, etc.
- Meaningless posts: “add water”, “For update”, “6666”, “good”, “bd”, etc.
- Distortion of facts: exposing others without communicating reasonably with them, or making readers misunderstand one of them, etc.
- Political: Discussing the actions of the president or government of a country, commenting on the country’s internal affairs, or misleading or hinting at related contents.
- Necrobumping: Posting meaningless content underneath a post that has not been replied to for a long time.
- Nodeloc account related: transfer and sale of Nodeloc forum accounts, purchase of existing forum accounts or beautiful numbers, etc.
The NodeLoc forum is a forum designed using tags with secondary tag. The main tag corresponds to the concept of board
in traditional forums, and the secondary tag corresponds to tag
. When posting, users will need to select at least one primary tag, and there is no limit for secondary tags. Users can go to https://www.nodeloc.com/tags to view all tags and their meanings. In addition to the tag descriptions, we have made the following rules
- 杂谈 | Lounge, each user is allowed to post 2 posts max per day
- 抽奖 | Lottery sub-tag is not allowed for posting not using lottery function in the forum.
- Sweepstakes in other sites or links to merchants’ websites should be posted with the推广 | Promotion tag.
- Links with AFF should be posted with the情报 | Infomation tag.
- If an lottery is posted, the above merchants’ website/AFF link are exempt and can be posted to the日常 | General tag.
- If a user is asking a question and wants an answer, the求助 | Help tag must be added
- Content related to proxies etc. should be posted in内版 | Private
When posting a post, users should choose tags that are as relevant as possible and choose a title that is the right length and makes sense. Here are some examples
- Sharing the source code of a forum #Website
- Share a popular XXX tool分享 | Share搬运 | Citation
- Sharing the source code of an automatic translation script for XX sites技术 | Technology
- XXX hosting one day activity: XXX parameters情报 | Infomation
- Today I bought XXX hosting, help how to install XXX日常 | General求助 | Help
- Error in forum XXX function when doing XXX日常 | General #bug
- Any discussion that is intent to share something should assign分享 | Share tag with copyright information。Your own content, like your remarks or experiences, are needed when transporting non-artical content.
Meaningless replies such as “1”, “666”, etc. are prohibited.
Meanwhile, Nodeloc forum also forbids posting replies like “Mark”, “Tag”, etc. If you need to, please use Favorites
, Bookmarks
, Subscribe
About NL
NL is the currency of the NodeLoc forums, and is associated with a user’s rank, posting/viewing privileges, inviting friends, and likes & dislikes.
NL Acquisition
- Posting a high-quality discussion rewards 30-50 NL. If a post is selected as the best answer, it rewards 5 NL (rewards are given by the admin or moderators, based on the actual content of the discussion).
- Daily check-ins can earn a random amount of NL or 9 NL, with an average of 9 NL/day.
- Each new discussion grants 10 NL.
- Each post grants 2 NL (posts must be at least 20 words, or no NL will be rewarded).
- Reporting a forum bug, once verified, rewards 5-50 NL (to the first user who reports and accurately explains the bug).
- Offering valid suggestions for forum improvement or rules, once adopted, rewards 5-50 NL.
- Raffle Ticket to reveal NL.
- Inviting others to register earns 50 NL.
- After posting a lottery, successfully drawing winners allows you to receive the NL paid by the participants.
- Receiving rewards from others for your discussion.
- Having a paid discussion purchased by others.
NL Consumption
- Dislikes a discussion or post you don’t support will consume 2 NL from your own account and deduct 1 NL from the downvoted user.
- Rewards allows you to give your NL to the tipped user.
- Violating forum rules will result in a deduction of NL.
- Purchasing items from the decoration store.
- Buying scratch cards.
- Purchasing invitation codes.
- Buying paid discussions.
Forum Management
Penalty Mechanism
Nodeloc Forum uses a warning system for penalties, with each warning carrying penalty strikes/NL deduction. Warnings are usually for posting violating content. For specific measures, refer to Penalty details.
The management team is responsible for maintaining the stable operation of Nodeloc Forum, actively intervening in malicious or sudden incidents to prevent misjudgments, missed judgments, or unfair behavior.
The daily responsibilities of administrators include:
- Issuing reward NL
- Receiving and handling user reports
- Correcting incorrect tags in discussions
- Issuing badges
- Appropriately handling content with violations
- Banning users who violate the rules
If you disagree with the management’s decision, you can privately message the relevant administrator to negotiate a resolution.
@纪律委员 (aka inspector) is the group who take responsibility to correct tags and remove content not allowed。Inspector’s daily jobs as following
- Edit incorrect tags
- Move post with anything that’s not allowed into Blackhole
- Remind other user to follow the rule.
If you have a complaint about the work of inceptors, please discuss it with the person first. Failing that, please ask the administrator.
User Groups
Nodeloc Forum has the following user groups:
Level-associated Member Groups
Nodeloc Forum calculates level based on both activity and contributions. Important points to note:
- Rank requirements are divided into “Cumulative” and “Active” parts:
- Cumulative refers to the total data accumulated since the user joined Nodeloc Forum.
- Active refers to meeting the required activity data in the last 30 days; otherwise, the user will be downgraded.
- Levels are updated during off-peak hours at night, so level updates may have delays. However, data is recorded in real-time, so it’s normal to meet the requirements but not see an immediate level upgrade.
- The number of discussions and posts does not include data from the黑洞 | BlackHole,杂谈 | Lounge,推广 | Promotion, or人工智能 | AI tag. If a discussion is moved by an admin to these tags, neither the discussion nor the posts under it will be counted.
- The activity requirement for the number of replies in 30 days refers to the number of replies within 30 calendar days in UTC+8 (Timezone Asia/Shanghai, e.g., from 1-1 00:00:00 to 1-30 23:59:59).
- The number of warnings refers to the number of warnings received within 30 days. Exceeding the specified number will result in not meeting the rank requirements.
Metric | @青铜会员 | @白银会员 | @黄金会员 | @钻石会员 | @王者会员 | @宗师会员 |
Cumulative Requirements | | | | | | |
【Cumulative】Discussion Count(>=) | 5 | 10 | 50 | 100 | 200 | 500 |
【Cumulative】Posts(>=) | 10 | 50 | 100 | 200 | 500 | 1000 |
Active Requirements | | | | | | |
【Active】Posts(>=) | 10 | 20 | 30 | 50 | 100 | 200 |
【Active】Being Warnings(<=) | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Permission | 10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 150 | 200 |
Special Groups
Group | @认证商家 | @认证中介 | @荣誉用户 | @荣誉版主 | @大好人 | @大善人 |
Require | Provide free hosting or VPS for the forum for users to use, or sponsor the forum | Determined by the management team | Users who have made certain contributions to the forum | Former moderators | Having 50 posts that is selected to be Best Answers | Post 50 lottery |
Permission | 20 | 20 | 188 | 188 | 255 | 255 |
Group Permissions
To protect high-quality resources and encourage users to level up, Nodeloc Forum has different permissions for each user group. When posting, users can set the reading permissions, and only users whose highest user group has permission ≥ the post’s required reading permission will be able to view the content.
User Badges
User badges are a symbol of a user’s identity. The NodeLoc forum provides badges to outstanding forum users from all walks of life. You can go to https://www.nodeloc.com/d/374 to provide proof and apply for a badge.
Professional | User with their profession skills
博主 | 水王 | 文圣 | Dev | SEO | ASO | Chan | 赌王 | 破防专家 |
Blogger | Posting Master | Discussion Master | Dev | SEO | ASO | Chan | Gambling King | Anti-blocking expert |
Provide screenshots of the blog backend | Frequently ranked in the post leader board | Frequently ranked in the discussion leader board | Screenshots of project links or partial source code | Screenshots of the statistics page | Screenshots of the APP store backend | Screenshots of the channel management page | Purchase raffle tickets to reach 10,000 NL | Screenshots of attack and defence records |
Contributers | Users who contributes a lot to the forum
奋斗组 | 情报达人 | 评测大师 | 分享大师 | 推广大师 | 气氛组 | 搬运组 |
Hardworkers | Intelligence Master | Review Master | Share Master | Refferal Master | Ambiencer | Transport |
Users who regularly post high-quality content | Publish reliable and effective information within the first time | Publish 15 excellent discussion posts | Publish 20 excellent sharing posts | Refer 20 users to successfully register | Users who can liven up the forum atmosphere | User who carries post from other site |
Entertainment | Just for entertainment
搞笑组 | emo组 | 潜水组 | MJJ | 大佬 | Seek | V2EX | 美少女 |
Funny | Emotional | Diving | MJJ | Dalao | Seek | V2EX | Pretty Girl |
Users who make interesting posts | Users who are often feeling down | Less active users | Screenshot of user page on HostLoc | Screenshot of user page on Dalao Forum | Screenshot of user page on NodeSeek | Screenshot of user page on V2EX | The green leaves go well with the red flowers |
Merchant certification
The NodeLoc forum welcomes and hopes that more merchants will join the forum. For more information about the certification rules, please refer to https://www.nodeloc.com/d/5315
Penalty details
Automatic suspend
Automatic suspends will happen under the following conditions
- When NL reaches -10, the user will be automatically suspended for 3 days.
- When the warning points accumulate to 3, the user will be suspended for 3 days; when they accumulate to 10, the user will be permanently suspended.
Unwelcome discussions or posts
1st time | 2nd time | 3rd time | 4th time | 5th time | 6th time |
Warning without NL or strikes | Warning 50 NL | Warning 50 NL 1 strike | Warning 50 NL 2 strike | Warning 50 NL 5 strikes | Warning 50 NL 10 strikes |
- Meaningless discussion warning
1st time | 2nd time | 3rd time | 4th time | 5th time | 6th time |
Warning without NL or strikes | Warning 5 NL | Warning 10 NL 1 strike | Warning 20 NL 1 strike | Warning 30 NL 2 strikes | Warning 50 NL 5 strikes |
- Fan the flame/political/personal attacks
1st time | 2nd time | 3rd time | 4th time | 5th time | 6th time |
Warning 10 NL | Warning 20 NL 1 strike | Warning 30 NL 1 strike | Warning 40 NL 2 strikes | Warning 50 NL 5 strikes | Permanent suspend |
At the same time, the administrator will take measures including but not limited to temporary/permanent account suspension, folding/deleting posts, black hole, etc. according to the actual situation
This section only applies to malicious selections, such as selecting all available labels at once.
1st time | 2nd time | 3rd time | 4th time | 5th time | 6th time |
Warning without NL or strikes | Warning 10 NL | Warning 20 NL 1 strike | Warning 30 NL 1 strike | Warning 40 NL 2 strikes | Warning 50 NL 5 strikes |
Other punishment situations
- It is strictly forbidden for sub-accounts to participate in lottery draws, and it is strictly forbidden to transfer NL between sub-accounts. Once detected, measures such as a warning of 5 strikes, removal from the lottery, account suspension for the sub-account and IP blocking will be taken
Reward details
High-quality content rewards
- Sharing 10-20 NL
- Technology/Review 20-30 NL
- [Originality required] 30-50 NL for excellent posts
Bug feedback and suggestions
- The first user to report a bug and have it confirmed will be awarded 5-50 NL depending on the severity of the bug
- 5-50 NL for valid suggestions for improving the forum or its rules
Other rules for using the functions
Paid content
- Paid content must be original content and must be wrapped in [PAY][/PAY] tags to indicate that it is paid content
- Paid content is not allowed in lottery discussions
- The lottery sponsor must contact the winner within 24 hours of the draw. If the sponsor fails to respond within 72 hours of being contacted, Nodeloc will ban the sponsor and refund the NL used for the lottery.
- Simultaneous participation by a sub-account and the main account in a lottery is strictly prohibited. If the sponsor needs to gather people, please be sure to specify this in the discussion. If it is detected that a sub-account and the main account participate in the lottery at the same time, measures such as a warning of 5 points, removal of the lottery, account and IP bans will be taken.
Private messages
- It is strictly forbidden to use the private message function to send advertising information. Once verified, the account will be suspended.
See Chinese version. https://www.nodeloc.com/d/12012